Step 2Marketing At No Cost

In Step 2, you’ll find email messages to send to potential Landlords, marketing materials to place on all Social Media sites as well as instructions on what to do when calling Listing Agents.

This is a great way to get started if you are low on funds as each of the methods below are free. Do you best to create marketing campaigns everyday  to be successful.

TikTok Email Message

Hello Jessica, I found your information on TikTok. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

YouTube Email Message

Hello Malcolm, I found your information on YouTube. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

Ad for all Social Media Sites

ATTENTION Landlords! Only 10% Down on Income Producing Properties through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.


Google Email Message

Hello Aleeyah, I found your information on Google. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% Down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

Facebook Email Message

Hello John, I found your information on Facebook. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

Twitter Email Message

Hello Hasain, I found your information on Twitter. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

LinkedIn Email Message

Hello Michael, I found your information on LinkedIn. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.

Instagram Email Message

Hello Mia, I found your information on Instagram. I want to inform you that you can buy more investment properties with only 10% down through our CLTV Program.

Go to:, watch the video, read the details of the program then apply online. If you have any questions, contact me at your earliest convenience.

James B.


Here’s where you dress professionally, feel very important and needed because there are so many people that need you and your expertise. As a Specialist, it would be a great opportunity to get in front of Landlords, Realtors and other professionals to build your clientele.

Click the logo to your right to create an account with Eventbrite. When setting up your account, select the following in these categories then follow the rest of the instructions:

1. Business: Startups, Finance, Real Estate, Investment, Sales and Other
2. Community: State, County, City/Town and LGBT
3. Click the box: Send me emails about the best events happening nearby or online

4. Follow some if not all of the suggested options
5. Then click finished
6. Once you are in, click Business Networking in the search to start signing up to attend events.

There are hundreds of free events you can attend so pick a day out the week to attend events at least once a week. Remember to keep it fun and professional.


Goal Points

PhoneOps values you as our Specialist and we show it by awarding you certificates, plaques, crystal awards and trophies for reaching each Goal Point. This will keep you motivated and excited to reach these goals.

Click the Goal Points logo to your right to view/download the many goal points we have available. Many people haven’t received an award or trophy in their life but with PhoneOps, you’ll have the opportunity to receive many as we believe in you.

This Completes Step 2