Piggyback Program
Finally, a program designed for Real Estate Investors that offers 100% Financing for Income-Producing Properties!
Loan Amounts: $100K to $2M
Term on 1st Loan: 30yr Fixed
Minimum FICO: 720+
Click on the Piggyback Logo for full Guidelines
First & Last Name:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Full address including city, state, zip & county: (Where you currently live)
How long have you lived at this address? If less than 2 years, provide previous address including city, state, zip and date moved in.
Address Type:
How much you pay per month in rent or mortgage?
Marital Status:
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number: (We must pull your credit)
Estimated Credit Score:
Your Ethnicity:
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Your Race:
List the names and ages of all dependents. (If none, put N/A)
Purchase Price:
Upload Sale's Contract here:
Full address of the property including City, State & Zip:
Property Type:
Total Square Footage:
Total amount of Units:
Annual Taxes:
Annual Property Insurance:
Investor Type:
1st Time Investor
Experienced Investor (Closed/Owned at least 3 properties within 36mos)
Can you show a minimum of $55K Annual Income?
Do you have any recent derogatories on your credit?
Not sure
Do you have a minimum of 5 active tradelines on credit?
Not sure
Employment Status:
Employed - W2
Employed - 1099
Own Business
Just a Landlord
The next 10 QUESTIONS is for Employment: (Put N/A if you don't work) 1. Full Name of Employer or Business Name:
2. Full address including City, State & Zip:
3. Contact number:
4. Job Title:
5. Start Date:
6. Monthly Income:
7. If you own your own business, complete this page, if not, go to the next page: Enter the state of Incorporation your company is registered in:
8. Company's Website:
9. EIN:
10. List all Owners and percentage of ownership: (Must equals to 100%)
Checking this box means you understand that there will be a one-time Tri-Merge Credit Report fee of $57 per borrower & you’ll be re-directed to the site to pay after completion of this application. PhoneOps has to pull your credit to see what you qualify for.
Checking this box means your credit is NOT lock and that you will keep all 3 Credit Bureaus unlocked until we pull your credit to avoid paying another fee of $57 per person.
Checking this box means you agree to our terms which are: 1: You willingly applied online to one of PhoneOps mortgage loan programs and will complete the 3-Step Process for potential loan approval. 2: You agree that PhoneOps must pull your credit. 3. You agree that your credit is unlocked. 4. You agree that the one-time Tri-Merge Credit Report fee of $57 is NON REFUNDABLE.
Your assigned Loan Specialist is:
Alaajah Salaam
Human Check
Contact me for a quick response!